Managing for Resiliency in the San Juan Mountains–Adaptation and Planning for Climate Change
-WorkshopThu, Oct 7 2010, 9am - 4pm
Fri, Oct 8 2010, 9am - 4pmThis three-day conference was co-sponsored by WWA, the Mountain Studies Institute, and several other organizations. The goals were (1) to assess existing and potential threats to the San Juan Mountains region posed by climate change, and (2) to develop strategies to plan for, adapt to, and reduce the effects of climate change on ecosystems and society. [Silverton, Colorado]
The Streamflow Forecast Workshop: Using & Improving the Tools Available at the NWS Colorado Basin River Forecast Center
-WorkshopThis workshop presented the Colorado River Basin Forecast Center (CBRFC) new online tool to deliver streamflow forecast information for rivers throughout the United States. Participants heard about the latest climate science relevant to the Colorado River, and received training in a computer lab setting on using the new CBRFC online resource. [Grand Junction, Colorado]
MPB Science Symposium: Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle and Water Quality
-WorkshopCLICK HERE for the Beetles, Water, & Climate archive and download the ZIP file to access all presentations.
Making Connections: Pine Beetles, Water, Climate, Fire, and the Future Forest
-WorkshopThis meeting, sponsored by the WWA and the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute, involved 40 participants from the research community (NOAA, CU, CSU, USFS, USGS) and stakeholders, including water managers, forest managers, and other decisionmakers from Colorado and Wyoming. The meeting centered on four panel discussions. [Boulder, Colorado]
Dealing with Drought - Adapting to a Changing Climate - Workshop Series
-WorkshopCastle Rock, CO - October 13
Glenwood Springs, CO - October 16
Durango, CO - October 22 -
Climate Change and Utah's Water Supply
-WorkshopWWA co-sponsored a Symposium on Climate Change and Utah’s Water Supply in partnership with the Salt Lake City National Weather Service Forecast Office and the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center. Topics for sessions include Climate Change, Water Supplies, and Utah; Water Supply and Seasonal Forecasts; and Climate and Water Information Needs. [Salt Lake City, Utah]
Climate Change for Water Resource Managers Workshop (Boulder Project)
-WorkshopWorkshop briefed participants on the NOAA-funded project to assess the climate change vulnerability of the City of Boulder's water resources. [Boulder, Colorado]
Forecast Verification Workshop
-WorkshopIn order to gage forecast quality, users must know the accuracy and skill of forecasts--whether seasonal climate forecasts or water supply forecasts. This workshop introduced participants to the basics of forecast verification statistics using water supply forecasts. Presenters included NRCS forecasters, NOAA Western Regional personnel, and NOAA CBRFC forecasters. [Boulder, Colorado]
Climate Change Modeling for Front Range Water Providers
-WorkshopWWA organized an educational workshop for the Front Range water providers to cover the fundamentals and differences of GCMs, emissions scenarios, downscaling techniques, and hydrology modeling. [Denver, Colorado]
Climate and Tourism Workshop
-WorkshopTourism and recreation in the West are a large part of the economy and are strongly linked to climate. This workshop focused on the development of a strategic research agenda to assess the economic, socio-cultural and environmental implications of climate extremes, variability and change for sustainable tourism. [Boulder, Colorado]