
  • Snowtography: Snowpack & Soil Moisture Monitoring Handbook


    Western Water Assessment, in collaboration with The Nature Conservancy and the USDA-Agricultural Research Service, has produced Snowtography: Snowpack & Soil Moisture Monitoring Handbook to support resource managers, researchers, and practitioners studying forest structure impacts on snowpack persistence and soil moisture availability.

  • Utah Hazard Planning Tool Workshop


    Western Water Assessment convened an online workshop with Utah stakeholders on January 19th to introduce the Utah Hazard Planning Tool and to discuss hazard and climate adaptation planning. The online workshop drew over 30 Utah stakeholders representing local government, state and federal agencies. The Utah Hazard Planning Tool, developed in collaboration with the Southern Climate Impacts Program, is a resource that provides information about past, present and future hazard risk specific to Utah.

  • What’s up with the weather? A summer of extremes in the Intermountain West


    Summer 2021 was a year of extreme weather events in the Intermountain West. Drought conditions that were building since 2019 covered vast areas of the region with extreme and exceptional drought. A very strong North American Monsoon, especially in Utah and western Colorado broke rainfall records and caused flash flooding. Heavy monsoonal rainfall on the burn scars from the 2020 Cameron Peak and Grizzly Gulch Fires in Colorado caused the tragic loss of life and destruction of parts of Interstate 70 through Glenwood Canyon.

  • Adapting to Climate with NOAA RISA in the Intermountain West (CO,WY,UT)


    The NOAA Climate Program Office's Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA) program invests in research and engagement that expands regional capacity to adapt to climate change in the U.S. RISA's regional teams build sustained relationships between decision makers and researchers that support collaborative and equitable adaptation to climate risks. In Fiscal Year 2021, the RISA program launched 9 new 5-year RISA teams.

  • The Impacts of Climate Change on Snowpack and Streamflow in the Western U.S. Webinar


    Learn about the impacts of climate change on snowpack and streamflow in the western U.S. with WWA researchers Dr. Noah Molotch and Dr. Ben Livneh. Dr. Molotch presents his research mapping snow water equivalent in real time using satellite data, models, and ground stations. His presentation drew on collaborations with water resource stakeholders from across the western U.S. Dr. Livneh examined “snow drought” in the Colorado River Basin over the past century. He evaluated the importance of how snow drought is defined, its historical variability, as well as its role in modulating streamflow.

  • Snowpack Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West Webinar, Part 2: Applications


    Part 2 of our two-part webinar in which we share Snowpack Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West: A User Guide. Guest speakers Gus Goodbody (NRCS) and Patrick Kormos (CBRFC) covered applications of snowpack information, particularly runoff forecasting.

  • Snowpack Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West Webinar, Part 1: Observations


    Part 1 of a two-part webinar in which we shared Snowpack Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West: A User Guide. Guest speakers Karl Wetlaufer (NRCS) and Jeff Deems (CIRES) discussed the details of snowpack observations, both in situ and remotely sensed: Where, how, and what data are collected, how are they organized, and how are they accessed?

  • Decision Science


    Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium Webinar Series. This three-part series expands on the opportunities identified in the 2020 Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report. The series, hosted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and partners from the Colorado River Climate and Hydrology Work Group,  highlights the latest weather and streamflow data, tools, and research that could potentially be used to improve Colorado River water resources management.

  • Prospects for Advancing Hydroclimatic Prediction at Seasonal and Longer Timescale


    Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium Webinar Series. This three-part series expands on the opportunities identified in the 2020 Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report. The series, hosted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and partners from the Colorado River Climate and Hydrology Work Group,  highlights the latest weather and streamflow data, tools, and research that could potentially be used to improve Colorado River water resources management.

  • New Models and Data to Inform the River Forecast Center Water Supply Forecasts


    Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium Webinar Series. This three-part series expands on the opportunities identified in the 2020 Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report. The series, hosted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and partners from the Colorado River Climate and Hydrology Work Group,  highlights the latest weather and streamflow data, tools, and research that could potentially be used to improve Colorado River water resources management.

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