Annual Report 2023-2024
Our mission is to build regional resilience to compound hazards, with a particular focus on underserved Indigenous and small rural communities and utilities. Our research projects fit within two themes—resilient water systems and resilient communities— and bring together interdisciplinary expertise from across our project team. In addition to our research projects, ongoing research integration activities help us to collaboratively identify needs and opportunities with our partners, and program evaluation activities help us to track our impact. Through this thoughtful approach to projects, we are advancing resilience science from theory to practice.
Our work draws on the deep interdisciplinary social and natural science expertise on our team, which includes experts in social science, co-production, adaptation and vulnerability research, atmospheric science, hydrology, climate assessment, climate impacts, and equity in adaptation. This unique combination of skills, combined with our 25-year history of climate adaptation research and activities, allows us to make an impact at a time when extreme weather events, climate change, and societal stressors are challenging the resilience of the Intermountain West like never before.