Rocky Mountains–High Plains Climate Dashboard
A collaboration between Western Water Assessment, the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center, and the USDA Northern Plains Regional Climate Hub
The Rocky Mountain–High Plains (RM-HP) Climate Dashboard provides an array of images for climate, drought, agricultural conditions, and water-supply monitoring that are automatically updated when the original providers update them on their respective websites. The RM-HP Dashboard is focused on eight states: Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. The RM-HP Dashboard is based on the WWA Intermountain West Climate Dashboard.
Recent Temperatures and Precipitation
Current Snowpack and Forecasted Streamflow
Drought Monitoring - USDM & SPI
Drought Monitoring - Current Soil Moisture, ETa, and EDDI
Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa), seasonal cumulative anomaly
(SSEBop)( updated weekly, April-October )
Current Streamflow
