
At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Macpherson, Elizabeth, Rosa I. Cuppari, Aurora Kagawa‐Viviani, Holly Brause, William A. Brewer, William E. Grant, Nicole Herman‐Mercer, et al. 2024. “Setting a Pluralist Agenda for Water Governance: Why Power and Scale Matter.” WIREs Water, May, e1734.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Ardon-Dryer, K., K. R. Clifford, and J. L. Hand. 2023. “Dust Under the Radar: Rethinking How to Evaluate the Impacts of Dust Events on Air Quality in the United States.” GeoHealth 7 (12): 1-7.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Barnhart, Katherine  R., Veronica Y. Romero, and Katherine R. Clifford. 2023. “User Needs Assessment for Postfire Debris-Flow Inundation Hazard Products.” Report 2023–1025. Open-File Report. Reston, VA. USGS Publications Warehouse.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bishay, Kaitlyn, Nels R. Bjarke, Parthkumar Modi, Justin M. Pflug, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “Can Remotely Sensed Snow Disappearance Explain Seasonal Water Supply?” Water 15 (6): 1147.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bjarke, N.R., Livneh, B., and Barsugli, J. J. (2023) Storylines for global hydrologic drought within CMIP6. Earth’s Future. (In-Review)   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bjarke, N.R., Livneh, B., Barsugli, J. J., Pendergrass, A.G., and Small, E.E. (2023) Evaluating large-storm dominance in high-resolution GCMs and observation across the western United States. Earth’s Future. (In-Review)   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bjarke, Nels, Joseph Barsugli, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “Ensemble of CMIP6 Derived Reference and Potential Evapotranspiration with Radiative and Advective Components.” Scientific Data 10 (1): 417.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, K. R., J. Henderson, Z. McAlear, L. Dilling, B. Duncan, S. Ehert, S. Arens, R. Page, and U. Rick. 2023. “The ‘Nuts and Bolts’ of Doing Coproduction: Exploring Implementation Decisions in Climate Adaptation Research with Stakeholders.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (4): E872–83.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Culler, Elsa S., Ben Livneh, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Kristy F. Tiampo. 2023. “A Data-Driven Evaluation of Post-Fire Landslide Susceptibility.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (4): 1631–52.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Dilling, Lisa, Meaghan E. Daly, William R. Travis, Andrea J. Ray, and Olga V. Wilhelmi. 2023. “The Role of Adaptive Capacity in Incremental and Transformative Adaptation in Three Large U.S. Urban Water Systems.” Global Environmental Change 79 (March): 102649.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Great Salt Lake Strike Team. 2023. “Great Salt Lake Policy Assessment: A Synthesized Resource Document for the 2023 General Legislative Session,” February.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Hale, Katherine E., Keith S. Jennings, Keith N. Musselman, Ben Livneh, and Noah P. Molotch. 2023. “Recent Decreases in Snow Water Storage in Western North America.” Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1): 170.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Heldmyer, Aaron J., Nels R. Bjarke, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “A 21st‐Century Perspective on Snow Drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59 (2): 396–415.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Knowles, John F., Nels R. Bjarke, Andrew M. Badger, Max Berkelhammer, Joel A. Biederman, Peter D. Blanken, Mario Bretfeld, et al. 2023. “Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and Its Partitioning.” Science of The Total Environment 880 (July): 163260.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Payton, E.A., A.O. Pinson, T. Asefa, L.E. Condon, L.-A.L. Dupigny-Giroux, B.L. Harding, J. Kiang, D.H. Lee, S.A. McAfee, J.M. Pflug, I. Rangwala, H.J. Tanana, and D.B. Wright, 2023: Ch. 4. Water. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, A.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, B.C. Stewart, and T.K. Maycock, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Pokhrel, Yadu, Ahmed Elkouk, Lifeng Luo, Liz Payton, Ben Livneh, and Yifan Cheng. 2023. “Impact of Model Parameters on Runoff Sensitivities in the Community Land Model: A Study on the Upper Colorado River Basin.” EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10644.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Rader, Alana M., Christine Biermann, Stephen M. Chignell, Katherine R. Clifford, Lisa C. Kelley, and Rebecca Lave. 2023. “Practicing Critical Physical Geography: New Trading Zones and Interactional Expertise in an Expanding Field.” The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe Canadien 67 (1): 10–16.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Stone, Luke, Courtenay Strong, Husile Bai, Thomas Reichler, Greg McCabe, and Paul D. Brooks. 2023. “Atlantic-Pacific Influence on Western U.S. Hydroclimate and Water Resources.” Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 6 (1): 139.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Strong, Courtenay, Luke Stone, Paul Brooks, Meg Wolf, Logan Jamison, Baylee Olds, Steve Burian, Ryan Johnson, and Danyal Aziz. 2023. “Climate Vulnerability Assessment of Salt Lake City’s Water Systems: Year 5 Report.” University of Utah.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Wolf, Margaret A., Logan R. Jamison, D. Kip Solomon, Courtenay Strong, and Paul D. Brooks. 2023. “Multi‐Year Controls on Groundwater Storage in Seasonally Snow‐Covered Headwater Catchments.” Water Resources Research 59 (6): e2022WR033394.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Yao, Fangfang, Ben Livneh, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jida Wang, Jean-François Crétaux, Yoshihide Wada, and Muriel Berge-Nguyen. 2023. “Satellites Reveal Widespread Decline in Global Lake Water Storage.” Science 380 (6646): 743–49.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bailey, Karen M., Katie R. Hooker, Anne A. Loggins, Alex D. Potash, Donald W. Hardeman, and Robert A. McCleery. 2022. “It Pays to Get Paid: Factors Influencing Wildlife‐related Employment Success.” Wildlife Society Bulletin 46 (1).
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Brucker, Carli P., Ben Livneh, J. Toby Minear, and Fernando L. Rosario-Ortiz. 2022. “A Review of Simulation Experiment Techniques Used to Analyze Wildfire Effects on Water Quality and Supply.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 24 (8): 1110–32.
  • Book/Book Chapter
    Clifford, K.R., Goolsby, J.B., Cravens, A.E., and Cooper, A.E., 2022, Rapidly assessing social characteristics of drought preparedness and decision making: A guide for practitioners: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 17-A1, 41 p.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, Katherine R, Amanda E Cravens, and Corrine N Knapp. 2022. “Responding to Ecological Transformation: Mental Models, External Constraints, and Manager Decision-Making.” BioScience 72 (1): 57–70. Clifford_etal_2022_RAD-resist-accept-direct-decision-making-constraints-models.pdf
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, Katherine R. 2022. “Natural Exceptions or Exceptional Natures? Regulatory Science and the Production of Rarity.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers, June, 1–18.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Crausbay, Shelley D, Helen R Sofaer, Amanda E Cravens, Brian C Chaffin, Katherine R Clifford, John E Gross, Corrine N Knapp, et al. 2022. “A Science Agenda to Inform Natural Resource Management Decisions in an Era of Ecological Transformation.” BioScience 72 (1): 71–90. Crausbay_etal_2022_RAD-resist-accept-direct-science-agenda.pdf
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Dunham, Jason, Joseph R. Benjamin, David J. Lawrence, and Katherine Clifford. 2022. “Resist, Accept, and Direct Responses to Biological Invasions: A Social–Ecological Perspective.” Fisheries Management and Ecology, June, fme.12574.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Frisvold, George B., Linda M. Fernandez, Flavio Lehner, Stephanie A. McAfee, Sharon Megdal, Elizabeth Payton, Jack Schmidt, Julie Vano, and Connie Woodhouse. 2022. “Featured Collection Introduction: Severe Sustained Drought Revisited: Managing the Colorado River System in Times of Water Shortage 25 Years Later — Part I.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58 (5): 597–603.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Frisvold, George B., Linda M. Fernandez, Flavio Lehner, Stephanie A. McAfee, Sharon Megdal, Elizabeth Payton, Jack Schmidt, Julie Vano, and Connie Woodhouse. 2022. “Featured Collection Introduction: Severe Sustained Drought Revisited: Managing the Colorado River System in Times of Water Shortage 25 Years Later — Part II.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 58 (6): 1049–52.

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