At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleDonaldson, Emily, Hailey Wilmer, Corrie Knapp, and Justin D. Derner. 2025. “Understanding How Ranchers Adaptively Manage for Drought in Northeastern Colorado.” Rangeland Ecology & Management 98 (January):83–93.
Book/Book ChapterArens, Seth (2024). A renewed Glen Canyon emerges. In R. Frodeman, E. Brister and L. Propst (Eds.). A Watershed Moment: The American West in the Age of Limits. University of Utah Press.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleBrucker, Carli P., Ben Livneh, Claire E. Butler, and Fernando L. Rosario-Ortiz. 2024. “A Laboratory-Scale Simulation Framework for Analysing Wildfire Hydrologic and Water Quality Effects.” International Journal of Wildland Fire 33 (12).
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleCravens, A. E., Clifford, K. R., Knapp, C., & Travis, W. R. (2024). The dynamic feasibility of resisting (R), accepting (A), or directing (D) ecological change. Conservation Biology, e14331.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleElkouk, Ahmed, Yadu Pokhrel, Ben Livneh, Elizabeth Payton, Lifeng Luo, Yifan Cheng, Katherine Dagon, et al. 2024. “Toward Understanding Parametric Controls on Runoff Sensitivity to Climate in the Community Land Model: A Case Study Over the Colorado River Headwaters.” Water Resources Research 60 (12): e2024WR037718.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleLivneh, Ben, Nels R. Bjarke, Parthkumar A. Modi, Alex Furman, Darren Ficklin, Justin M. Pflug, and Kristopher B. Karnauskas. 2024. “Can Precipitation Intermittency Predict Flooding?” Science of The Total Environment 945 (October):173824.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleMacpherson, Elizabeth, Rosa I. Cuppari, Aurora Kagawa‐Viviani, Holly Brause, William A. Brewer, William E. Grant, Nicole Herman‐Mercer, et al. 2024. “Setting a Pluralist Agenda for Water Governance: Why Power and Scale Matter.” WIREs Water, May, e1734.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleModi, Parthkumar A, Keith Steven Jennings, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Eric E. Small, Cameron W Wobus, and Ben Livneh. 2024. “Using Deep Learning in Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting: Exploring the Predictive Value of Explicit Snowpack Information.”
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleYao, Fangfang, Ben Livneh, Balaji Rajagopalan, Jida Wang, Kehan Yang, Jean‐François Crétaux, Chao Wang, and J. Toby Minear. 2024. “Leveraging ICESat, ICESat‐2, and Landsat for Global‐Scale, Multi‐Decadal Reconstruction of Lake Water Levels.” Water Resources Research 60 (2): e2023WR035721.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleArdon-Dryer, K., K. R. Clifford, and J. L. Hand. 2023. “Dust Under the Radar: Rethinking How to Evaluate the Impacts of Dust Events on Air Quality in the United States.” GeoHealth 7 (12): 1-7.
Reports, Syntheses, and AssessmentsBarnhart, Katherine R., Veronica Y. Romero, and Katherine R. Clifford. 2023. “User Needs Assessment for Postfire Debris-Flow Inundation Hazard Products.” Report 2023–1025. Open-File Report. Reston, VA. USGS Publications Warehouse.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleBishay, Kaitlyn, Nels R. Bjarke, Parthkumar Modi, Justin M. Pflug, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “Can Remotely Sensed Snow Disappearance Explain Seasonal Water Supply?” Water 15 (6): 1147.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleBjarke, N.R., Livneh, B., and Barsugli, J. J. (2023) Storylines for global hydrologic drought within CMIP6. Earth’s Future. (In-Review)
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleBjarke, N.R., Livneh, B., Barsugli, J. J., Pendergrass, A.G., and Small, E.E. (2023) Evaluating large-storm dominance in high-resolution GCMs and observation across the western United States. Earth’s Future. (In-Review)
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleBjarke, Nels, Joseph Barsugli, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “Ensemble of CMIP6 Derived Reference and Potential Evapotranspiration with Radiative and Advective Components.” Scientific Data 10 (1): 417.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleClifford, K. R., J. Henderson, Z. McAlear, L. Dilling, B. Duncan, S. Ehert, S. Arens, R. Page, and U. Rick. 2023. “The ‘Nuts and Bolts’ of Doing Coproduction: Exploring Implementation Decisions in Climate Adaptation Research with Stakeholders.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 104 (4): E872–83.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleCuller, Elsa S., Ben Livneh, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Kristy F. Tiampo. 2023. “A Data-Driven Evaluation of Post-Fire Landslide Susceptibility.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (4): 1631–52.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleDilling, Lisa, Meaghan E. Daly, William R. Travis, Andrea J. Ray, and Olga V. Wilhelmi. 2023. “The Role of Adaptive Capacity in Incremental and Transformative Adaptation in Three Large U.S. Urban Water Systems.” Global Environmental Change 79 (March): 102649.
Reports, Syntheses, and AssessmentsGreat Salt Lake Strike Team. 2023. “Great Salt Lake Policy Assessment: A Synthesized Resource Document for the 2023 General Legislative Session,” February.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleHale, K. E., K. N. Musselman, A. J. Newman, B. Livneh, and N. P. Molotch. 2023. “Effects of Snow Water Storage on Hydrologic Partitioning Across the Mountainous, Western United States.” Water Resources Research 59 (8): e2023WR034690.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleHale, Katherine E., Keith S. Jennings, Keith N. Musselman, Ben Livneh, and Noah P. Molotch. 2023. “Recent Decreases in Snow Water Storage in Western North America.” Communications Earth & Environment 4 (1): 170.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleHasan, Mohammad M., Courtenay Strong, Paul D. Brooks, Steven J. Burian, and Michael E. Barber. 2023. “Quantifying Climate Change Impacts on Low Flows of Small High Mountain Watersheds: A Nonstationary Approach.” Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies 48 (August):101463.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleHeldmyer, Aaron J., Nels R. Bjarke, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “A 21st‐Century Perspective on Snow Drought in the Upper Colorado River Basin.” JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 59 (2): 396–415.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleHolland, Melanie, Ben Livneh, and Evan Thomas. 2023. “Performance of Regression and Artificial Neural Network Models, Informed with an In Situ Sensor Network, in Forecasting Groundwater Abstraction in the Central Valley, California.” ACS ES&T Water 3 (12): 3893–3904.
Reports, Syntheses, and AssessmentsKnapp, C.N., D.R. Kluck, G. Guntenspergen, M.A. Ahlering, N.M. Aimone, A. Bamzai-Dodson, A. Basche, R.G. Byron, O. Conroy-Ben, M.N. Haggerty, T.R. Haigh, C. Johnson, B. Mayes Boustead, N.D. Mueller, J.P. Ott, G.B. Paige, K.R. Ryberg, G.W. Schuurman, and S.G. Tangen. 2023. Ch. 25. Northern Great Plains. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, A.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, B.C. Stewart, and T.K. Maycock, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticleKnowles, John F., Nels R. Bjarke, Andrew M. Badger, Max Berkelhammer, Joel A. Biederman, Peter D. Blanken, Mario Bretfeld, et al. 2023. “Bark Beetle Impacts on Forest Evapotranspiration and Its Partitioning.” Science of The Total Environment 880 (July): 163260.
Reports, Syntheses, and AssessmentsNagati, Shadia, and Karen Bailey. 2023. “Reservoir of Resilience: Colorado River Drought Impacts on Sense of Place and Adaptation for Blue Mesa Reservoir Communities.” University of Colorado Boulder.
Reports, Syntheses, and AssessmentsPayton, E.A., A.O. Pinson, T. Asefa, L.E. Condon, L.-A.L. Dupigny-Giroux, B.L. Harding, J. Kiang, D.H. Lee, S.A. McAfee, J.M. Pflug, I. Rangwala, H.J. Tanana, and D.B. Wright, 2023: Ch. 4. Water. In: Fifth National Climate Assessment. Crimmins, A.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, B.C. Stewart, and T.K. Maycock, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlePflug, Justin M., Yiwen Fang, Steven A. Margulis, and Ben Livneh. 2023. “Interactions between Thresholds and Spatial Discretizations of Snow: Insights from Estimates of Wolverine Denning Habitat in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.” Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 27 (14): 2747–62.
Peer-Reviewed Journal ArticlePokhrel, Yadu, Ahmed Elkouk, Lifeng Luo, Liz Payton, Ben Livneh, and Yifan Cheng. 2023. “Impact of Model Parameters on Runoff Sensitivities in the Community Land Model: A Study on the Upper Colorado River Basin.” EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-10644.