
At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.


  • Briefings, Short Assessments, and Fact Sheets
    Burns, Ethan (2021). The Impacts of Wildland Fire on Municipal Water Supply. Western Water Assessment. The Impacts of Wildland Fire on Municipal Water Supply  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Culler, E.S., *A.M. Badger, J.T. Minear, K.F. Tiampo, S. Zeigler, and B. Livneh, 2021: A Multi-sensor Evaluation of Precipitation Uncertainty for Landslide-triggering Storm Events, Hydrological Processes, 35(7), e14260.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Culler, Elsa S., Ben Livneh, Balaji Rajagopalan, and Kristy F. Tiampo (2021). A Data-Driven Evaluation of Post-Fire Landslide Susceptibility. Preprint. Landslides and Debris Flows Hazards.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Dilling, Lisa, Maria Carmen Lemos, and Nuvodita Singh. 2021. “Commentary: First, Do No Harm: Scaling Usable Knowledge for Just and Equitable Outcomes.” Global Environmental Change 71 (November): 102404.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Esit, Musa, Sanjiv Kumar, Ashutosh Pandey, David M. Lawrence, Imtiaz Rangwala, and Stephen Yeager. 2021. “Seasonal to Multi-Year Soil Moisture Drought Forecasting.” Npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 4 (1): 16.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Heldmyer, A.J., B. Livneh, B. Rajagopalan, and N. Molotch, 2021: Investigating the Relationship Between Peak Snow-Water Equivalent and Snow Timing Indices in the Western U.S. and Alaska, Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029395.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Henderson, Jen, Lisa Dilling, Rebecca Morss, Olga Wilhelmi, and Ursula Rick. 2021. “‘We Got in the Pilot Program to Learn from It:’ Features of Social Learning in Drought Contexts Along the Arkansas River in Colorado.” Weather, Climate, and Society, June.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Hoerling, Martin, Lesley Smith, Xiao-Wei Quan, Jon Eischeid, Joseph Barsugli, and Henry F. Diaz (2021). Explaining the Spatial Pattern of U.S. Extreme Daily Precipitation Change. J. Climate, 34(7), 2759–2775.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Keyes, Aislyn (2021). Mobile homes and flood risk: An analysis of flood risk and historical flooding in the Intermountain West and Michigan. Western Water Assessment. Mobile homes and flood risk: An analysis of flood risk and historical flooding in the Intermountain West and Michigan  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kroepsch, A. C., and K. R. Clifford (2021). On environments of not knowing: How some environmental spaces and circulations are made inscrutable. Geoforum.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Musselman, Keith N., Nans Addor, Julie A. Vano, and Noah P. Molotch (2021). Winter Melt Trends Portend Widespread Declines in Snow Water Resources. Nature Climate Change 11 (5): 418–24.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Pan, Jinmei, M. T. Durand, Z. Courville, B. J. Vander Jagt, N. P. Molotch, S. A. Margulis, E. J. Kim, M. Schneebeli, and C. Mätzler (2021). Evaluation of Stereology for Snow Microstructure Measurement and Microwave Emission Modeling: A Case Study.International Journal of Digital Earth, March, 1–21.
  • Briefings, Short Assessments, and Fact Sheets
    Payton, E. and J. Lukas (2021). Colorado River basin climate and hydrology state of the science: A synthesis report to support water planning and management. Colorado Water, 38:1.   Climate Change and Adaptation Issue of Colorado Water, June 2021
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Payton, Elizabeth, Joel Biederman, and Marcos Robles. 2021. “Snowtography: Snowpack & Soil Moisture Monitoring Handbook.” Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado Boulder. Snowtography: Snowpack & Soil Moisture Monitoring Handbook
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Pierce, D. W., L. Su, D. R. Cayan, M.D. Risser, B. Livneh, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2021: An extreme-preserving long-term gridded daily precipitation data set for the conterminous United States, Journal of Hydrometeorology, 22(7), 1883-1895.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Rangwala, Imtiaz, Wynne Moss, Jane Wolken, Renee Rondeau, Karen Newlon, John Guinotte, and William Riebsame Travis. 2021. “Uncertainty, Complexity and Constraints: How Do We Robustly Assess Biological Responses under a Rapidly Changing Climate?” Climate 9 (12): 177.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Schneider, Dominik, Noah P. Molotch, Jeffrey S. Deems, and Thomas H. Painter (2021). Analysis of Topographic Controls on Depletion Curves Derived from Airborne Lidar Snow Depth Data. Hydrology Research52 (1): 253–65.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Schulz T., H. Wilmer, H.M. Yocum, E. Winford, D. Peck, AA.C. Monlezun, H. Schmalz, T. Klemm, K. Epstein, V. Jansen, W. Kelley, R. Bruegger, S. Fick, J. Gazing Wolf, J. Grace, R. Mann, and J. Derner (2021). Campfire Conversations at the 2020 Annual Meeting: Insights & lessons learned from “cuss-and-discuss” rather than “chalk-and-talk.” Rangelands.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Su, Juhn-Yuan, Ramesh Goel, Steven Burian, Sarah J. Hinners, Adam Kochanski, Courtenay Strong, and Michael E. Barber. 2021. “Water Quality Trading Framework with Uncertainty for River Systems Due to Climate and Population Characteristics.” Water 13 (13): 1738.


  • Briefings, Short Assessments, and Fact Sheets
    Arens, Seth, Jeff Lukas, and Lineke Woelders (2020). Climate, snow, streamflow, and drought information resources for the Mountain West. Western Water Assessment. Climate information two-pager 2020.pdf  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Barsugli, J.J., A.J. Ray, B. Livneh, C.F. Dewes, A. Heldmyer, I. Rangwala, J.M. Guinotte, and S. Torbit (2020). Projections of Mountain Snowpack Loss for Wolverine Denning Elevations in the Rocky Mountains. Earth's Future.   doi: 10.1029/2020EF001537
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford K.R., and W.R. Travis (2020). The New (Ab)Normal: Outliers, Everyday Exceptionality, and the Politics of Data Management in the Anthropocene. Annals of the American Association of Geographers.   doi: 10.1080/24694452.2020.1785836.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, K. R. (2020). Problematic Exclusions: Analysis of the Clean Air Act’s Exceptional Event Rule Revisions. Society & Natural Resources, 34(2), 135-148.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, K.R. (2020). Problematic Exclusions: Analysis of the Clean Air Act’s Exceptional Event Rule Revisions. Society & Natural Resources.   doi: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1780358
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, K.R., L. Yung, W.R. Travis, R. Rondeau, B. Neely, I. Rangwala, N. Burkardt, and C. Wyborn (2020). Navigating Climate Adaptation on Public Lands: How Views on Ecosystem Change and Scale Interact with Management Approaches. Environmental Management.   doi: 10.1007/s00267-020-01336-y
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clifford, K.R., W.R. Travis, and L.T. Nordgren (2020). A climate knowledges approach to climate services. Climate Services, Vol. 18, April.   doi: 10.1016/j.cliser.2020.100155
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Hobbins, M. and J. Barsugli (2020). Threatening the Vigor of the Colorado River. Science, 367 (6483): 1192–93.   doi: 10.1126/science.abb3624
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Livneh, Ben, and A.M. Badger (2020). Drought less predictable under declining future snowpack. Nature Climate Change, 10, 452–458.   doi: 10.1038/s41558-020-0754-8
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Lukas, J., and E. Payton, eds. (2020). Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science. Western Water Assessment, University of Colorado Boulder. ColoRiver_StateOfScience_WWA_2020_FullReport_hi-res.pdf   doi: 10.25810/3hcv-w477
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Page, R. and L. Dilling (2020). How experiences of climate extremes motivate adaptation among water managers. Climatic Change.   doi: 10.1007/s10584-020-02712-7

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