
At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Macknick, J.S. Sattler, K. Averyt, S. Clemmer, and J. Rogers (2012). The water implications of generating electricity: water use across the United States based on different electricity pathways through 2050. Environmental Research Letters, 7.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Mahoney, K., M. A. Alexander, G. Thompson, J.J. Barsugli, and J. D. Scott (2012). Changes in hail and flood risk in high-resolution simulations over Colorado’s mountains. Nature Climate Change, 2: 125–131.
  • Book/Book Chapter
    Miller, J., I. Rangwala and D. Ghatak (2012). Potential Climate and Hydrological Changes in the Aral Sea Region. In Disaster by Design: The Multiple Caused Catastrophes of the Aral Sea, M.R. Edelstein, A. Cerny and A. Gadaev (eds.), ISBN: 978-1-78190-375-9, Chapter 5. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Nowak, K., M. Hoerling, B. Rajagopalan, E. and Zagona (2012). Colorado River Basin Hydroclimatic Variability. Journal of Climate, 25(12): 4389.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Painter, T. H., S. M. Skiles, J. S. Deems, A. C. Bryant, and C. C. Landry (2012). Dust radiative forcing in snow of the Upper Colorado River Basin: 1. A 6 year record of energy balance, radiation, and dust concentrations. Water Resources Research, 48: W07521.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Pugh, E. and E. Gordon (2012). A conceptual model of water yield impacts from beetle-induced tree death in snow-dominated lodgepole pine forests. Hydrological Processes, doi: 10.1002/hyp.9312.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Rangwala, I., J. J. Barsugli, K. Cozzetto, J. Neff, and J. Prairie (2012). Mid-21st century projections in temperature extremes in the southern Colorado Rocky Mountains from regional climate models. Climate Dynamics, doi 10.1007/s00382-011-1282-z.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Rice, J., A. Tredennick, and L. A. Joyce (2012). Climate change on the Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming: a synthesis of past climate, climate projections, and ecosystem implications. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-264. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 60 p.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Skaggs R., K. A. Hibbard, P. Frumhoff, T. Lowry, R. Middleton, R. Pate, V. C. Tidwell, J. G. Arnold, K. Averyt, A. C. Janetos, R. C. Izaurralde, J. S. Rice, and S. K. Rose (2012). Climate and Energy-Water-Land System Interactions. Technical Report to the U.S. Department of Energy in Support of the National Climate Assessment. PNNL-21185, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Skiles, S. M., T. H. Painter, J. S. Deems, A. C. Bryant, and C. C. Landry (2012). Dust radiative forcing in snow of the Upper Colorado River Basin: 2. Interannual variability in radiative forcing and snowmelt rates. Water Resources Research, 48: W07522.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Squillace, M.S. and A.N. Hood (2012). NEPA, Climate Change, and Public Lands Decision-Making. Environmental Law, 42(2): 469-526.   
  • Travis, W. R. (2012). Extreme Events as Pacemaker of Adaptation to Climate Change. Paper presented at Adaptation Futures: 2012 International Conference on Climate Adaptation, Tucson, AZ.
  • WWA Project White Papers
    Travis, W. R., and R. Klein (2012). Socioeconomic Impacts and Adaptation Strategies: Assessing Research on Quantification of Drought Impacts. Western Water Assessment White Paper.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Vogel J., E. Gordon, J. Brislawn, J. Barsugli, E. LeDolce, D. Mills, J. Smith, G. Aggett, and B. Harding (2012). Boulder County Climate Change Preparedness Report. Prepared by Stratus Consulting, Inc. for Boulder County Commissioner's Sustainability Office.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Welsh, A. P., C. M. U. Neale, J. Endter-Wada, and R. K. Kjelgren (2012). Custom software application for analyzing urban landscape water use. Remote Sensing and Hydrology, IAHS Publ. 352.


  • Averyt, K. (2011). The Coal Conundrum. In: The Water-Energy Nexus in the Western United States, D. Kenney and R. Wilkinson, Eds. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Averyt, K., J. Fisher, A. Huber-Lee, A. Lewis, J. Macknick, N. Madden, J. Rogers, and S. Tellinghuisen (2011). Freshwater use by U.S. power plants: Electricity’s thirst for a precious resource. A report of the Energy and Water in a Warming World initiative. Cambridge, MA: Union of Concerned Scientists.
  • Bracken, C. (2011). Seasonal to Inter-Annual Streamflow Simulation and Forecasting on the Upper Colorado River Basin and Implications for Water Resources Management. M.S. Thesis, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Gangwer, K. (2011). Dryness and Desperate Measures: The Implications of Land Tenure on Rocky Mountain Ranchers’ Drought Experiences and Behaviors. M.S. Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Colorado Boulder.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Gray, S.T., J. J. Lukas, and C. A. Woodhouse (2011). Millennial-Length Records of Streamflow from Three Major Upper Colorado River Tributaries. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(4): 702-712.   
  • Kenney, D.S., and R. Wilkinson, Eds. (2011). The Water-Energy Nexus in the Western United States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Klein, R., E. S. Gordon, W. R. Travis, J. J. Lukas, B. Udall, K. Averyt, J. Vogel, and J. Smith (2011). Colorado Climate Preparedness Project Final Report. Report to the State of Colorado. 108 pp. Colorado Climate Preparedness Project Final Report.pdf  
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Neely, B., R. Rondeau, J. Sanderson, C. Pague, B. Kuhn, J. Siemers, L. Grunau, J. Robertson, P. McCarthy, J. Barsugli, T. Schulz, and C. Knapp, Eds. (2011). Gunnison Basin: Vulnerability Assessment for the Gunnison Climate Working Group. Report by The Nature Conservancy, Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Western Water Assessment, and University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Project of the Southwest Climate Change Initiative. Gunnison Basin Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment.pdf  
  • Nowak, K. (2011). Stochastic Streamflow Simulation at Interdecadal Times Scales and Implications for Water Resources Management in the Colorado River Basin. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Nowak, K., B. Rajagopalan, and E. Zagona (2011). Wavelet Auto-Regressive Method (WARM) for multi-site streamflow simulation of data with non-stationary spectra. Journal of Hydrology, 410 (1-2): 1-12.


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Averyt, K. (2010). Are We Successfully Adapting Science to Climate Change? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, June 2010: 725-726.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bracken, C., B. Rajagopalan, and J. Prairie (2010). A Multi-Site Seasonal Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting Technique. Water Resources Research, 46: W03302.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Brickey, C., K. H. Engel, K. Jacobs, J. Matter, D. F. Luecke, M. L. Miller, J. T. Overpeck, and B. Udall (2010). How to Take Climate Change into Account: A Guidance Document for Judges Adjudicating Water Disputes. Environmental Law Reporter, 40: 11215.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Gordon, E. and L. Dilling (2010). An Empirical Approach to Defining Success in Adaptation. Paper presented at Initiative on Climate Adaptation Research and Understanding Through the Social Sciences (ICARUS) Workshop on Climate Vulnerability and Adaptation: Theory and Cases, Champaign, IL.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Guentchev, G., J. J. Barsugli, and J. Eischeid (2010). Homogeneity of Gridded Precipitation Datasets for the Colorado River Basin. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 49: 2404–2415.   

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