
At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.


  • WWA Project White Papers
    Goemans, C., A. Strong, D. Kenney, and R. Klein (2007). Quantity Uncertainty and the Role of Information in an Increasing Block Rate Structure: Water Smart Readers. Western Water Assessment White Paper.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Hanna, J., and M. Squillace (2007). Native Communities and Climate Change: Legal and Policy Approaches to Protect Tribal Legal Rights. Boulder, CO, Natural Resource Law Center, University of Colorado.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Howe, C., and C. Goemans (2007). The Simple Analytics of Demand Hardening. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 99(10): 24-25.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kenney, D. (2007). Book Review: Drought and Water Crises (by Donald Wilhite). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, September.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kenney, D., C. Goemans, R. Klein, J. Lowrey, and K. Reidy (2007). Residential Water Demand Management in Aurora: Learning from the Drought Crisis. Colorado Water. Fort Collins, CO, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, February/March: 14-16.   
  • WWA Project White Papers
    Kenney, D., R. Klein, C. Goemans, and C. Alvord (2007). The Effect of Changing Hydrographs on Interstate Apportionments. Western Water Assessment Working Paper.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Meko, D., C. Woodhouse, C. Baisan, T. Knight, J. Lukas, M. Hughes, and M. Salzer (2007). Medieval Drought in the Upper Colorado River basin. Geophysical Research Letters, 34: L10705.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Ray, A., G. Garfin, and R. Vardy (2007). Monsoon Region Climate Applications: Integrating Climate Science with Regional Planning and Policy. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88: 933-935.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Udall, B. (2007). Critical Climate Science Issues for Water Utilities. Report to the Water Utility Climate Change Summit, January 2007. Hetch Hetchy, CA.   
  • Udall, B. (2007). Written Testimony of Bradley Udall, Hearing on Impacts of Climate Change on Water Supply and Availability in the United States. Subcommittee on Water and Power, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.   


  • WWA Project White Papers
    Klein, R., and D. Kenney (2006). Use of Climate Information in Municipal Drought Planning in Colorado. Western Water Assessment White Paper.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Regonda, S., B. Rajagopalan, M. Clark, and E. Zagona (2006). A Multimodel Ensemble Forecast Framework: Application to Spring Seasonal Flows in the Gunnison River Basin. Water Resources Research, 42: W09404.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Woodhouse, C. and J. Lukas (2006). Drought, Tree Rings, and Water Resource Management in Colorado. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 31(4): 1-14.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Woodhouse, C. and J. Lukas (2006). Multi-century tree-ring reconstructions of Colorado streamflow for water resource planning. Climatic Change, 78: 293-315.   


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Gangopadhyay, S., M. Clark, and B. Rajagopalan (2005). Statistical Downscaling Using K-Nearest Neighbors. Water Resources Research, 41(2): W02024.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kenney, D. (2005). The Greenhouse Effect. American Nurseryman, 12(201): 36-39.   
  • Kenney, D. (2005). The Watershed Management Movement in the United States. Paper presented at International Watershed Management Seminar, Seoul, South Korea.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Kenney, D. S. (2005). Prior Appropriation and Water Rights Reform in the Western United States. In Water Rights Reform: Lessons for Institutional Design. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute: 167-182.   
  • Book/Book Chapter
    Kenney, D., Ed. (2005). In Search of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons for the American West and Beyond. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    McCabe, G., and M. Clark (2005). Trends and Variability in Snowmelt Runoff in the Western United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 6(4): 476-482.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Mote, P., A. Hamlet, M. Clark, and D. Lettenmaier (2005). Declining Mountain Snowpack in Western North America. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 86 (1).   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Pielke, R. A., N. Doesken, O. Bliss, T. Green, C. Chaffin, J.D. Salas, C.A. Woodhouse, J.J. Lukas, and K. Wolter (2005). Drought in 2002 in Colorado: An Unprecedented Drought or a Routine Drought? Pure and Applied Geophysics, 162: 1455-1479.   
  • Book/Book Chapter
    Rajagopalan, B., K. Grantz, S. Regonda, M. Clark, and E. Zagona (2005). Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting. In Methods and Applications: Advances in Water Science Methodologies. U. Aswathanarayana, ed. Netherlands, Taylor and Francis.   
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Udall, B., and D. Kenney (2005). Drought, the Colorado River Compact and Your Water. Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance (DARCA) Report.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Werner, K., D. Brandon, M. Clark, and S. Gangopadhyay (2005). An Evaluation of Approaches for Using Climate Indices for Seasonal Volume Forecasting with the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction System of the NWS. Journal of Hydrometeorology.   


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clark, M., and L. Hay (2004). Use of Medium-range Weather Forecasts to Produce Predictions of Streamflow. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5: 15-32.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clark, M., S. Gangopadhyay, D. Brandon, K. Werner, L. Hay, B. Rajagopalan, and D. Yates (2004). A Resampling Procedure for Generating Conditioned Daily Weather Sequences. Water Resources Research, 40(4): W04304.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Clark, M., S. Gangopadhyay, L. Hay, B. Rajagopalan, and R. Wilby (2004). The Schaake Shuffle: A Method to Reconstruct the Space-time Variability of Forecasted Precipitation and Temperature Fields. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5: 243-262.   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Gangopadhyay, S., M. Clark, B. Rajagopalan, K. Werner, and D. Brandon (2004). Effects of Spatial and Temporal Aggregation on the Accuracy of Statistically Downscaled Precipitation Estimates in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 5: 1192-1206.   
  • Kenney, D. S. (2004). Water, Growth, and the Future of Agriculture in the American West. Prairie Peaks News, October.   

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