
At Western Water Assessment, we communicate the results of our research and provide other climate-related information through several types of publications. Peer-reviewed scientific journals are an important outlet for sharing our new work with our research colleagues and with stakeholders. We have also produced a number of WWA reports and white papers that describe individual projects or synthesize broader sets of research findings. In addition to these avenues, our research has been published in book chapters, special reports released by other organizations, and in conference proceedings. As part of our Intermountain West Climate Summary climate digest, since 2005 we have published several dozen short articles on WWA research, relevant research projects led by others, and climate information resources.


  • Book/Book Chapter
    Rangwala I., N. Pepin, M. Vuille and J. Miller, (2015). Influence of Climate Variability and Large-Scale Circulation on Mountain Cryosphere. In The High-Mountain Cryosphere: Environmental Changes and Human Risks, edited by C. Huggel, J. Clague, A. Kääb and M. Carey. Chapter 2. Cambridge University Press   ISBN 978-1-107-06584-0 (Hardback)
  • Briefings, Short Assessments, and Fact Sheets
    Rangwala, I., Bardsley, T., Pescinski, M., and J. Miller (2015). SNOTEL sensor upgrade has caused temperature record inhomogeneities for the Intermountain West: Implications for climate change impact assessments. Western Water Assessment Climate Research Briefing. Rangwalaetal2015.pdf  
  • Briefings, Short Assessments, and Fact Sheets
    Rangwala, Imtiaz, Mike Hobbins, Joe Barsugli, and Candida Dewes. 2015. “EDDI: A Powerful Tool for Early Drought Warning.” Western Water Assessment. EDDI_2-pager.pdf  


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Archie, K. M., L. Dilling, J. B. Milford, and F. C. Pampel (2014). Unpacking the “information barrier”: Comparing perspectives on information as a barrier to climate change adaptation in the interior mountain West. Journal of Environmental Management, 133:397-410
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Averyt, K., et al. (2014). Chapter 10: Energy, Water and Land Use. In: Third National Climate Assessment (NCA), Climate Change Impacts in the United States, U.S. Global Change Research Program
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Chen, F., M. Barlage, M. Tewari, R. Rasmussen, J. M. Jin, D. Lettenmaier, B. Livneh, C. Y. Lin, G. Miguez-Macho, G. Y. Niu, L. J. Wen, and Z. L. Yang (2014). Modeling seasonal snowpack evolution in the complex terrain and forested Colorado Headwaters region: A model intercomparison study. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 119 (24) 13795-13819
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Chen, Y., C. Naud, I. Rangwala, C. Landry, and J. Miller (2014). Comparison of the sensitivity of surface downward longwave radiation to changes in water vapor at two high elevation sites. Environmental Research Letters, 9(11): 114015
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Cozzetto, K., J. Nania, et al. (2014). Considerations for Climate Change and Variability, Adaptation on the Navajo Nation. University of Colorado Boulder. 212 pp Considerations for Climate Change and Variability Adaptation on the Navajo Nation.pdf  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Dilling, L., and J. Berggren (2014). What do stakeholders need to manage for climate change and vulnerability? A document-based analysis from the Intermountain West region of the U.S. Regional Environmental Change, 15 (4): 657–67   doi: 10.1007/s10113-014-0668-y
  • Gordon, E., Pugh, E., and B. Livneh (2014). Bark Beetles: Cause for Concern in Snowy Western Watersheds? Utility Intelligence & Infrastructure   
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kenney, D. S. (2014). Understanding utility disincentives to water conservation as a means of adapting to climate change pressures. Journal of American Water Works Association, 106(1)
  • WWA Project White Papers
    Kenney, D., and A. Kuranz. (2014). Media Treatment of 'Climate Change' in Shaping Colorado River Problems and Solutions. Western Water Assessment White Paper. Media Treatment of ‘Climate Change’ in Shaping Colorado River Problems and Solutions.pdf  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Kumar, S. V., C. D. Peters-Lidard, D. Mocko, R. Reichle, Y. Q. Liu, K. R. Arsenault, Y. L. Xia, M. Ek, G. Riggs, B. Livneh, and M. Cosh (2014). Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Snow Depth Retrievals for Drought Estimation. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 15 (6) 2446-2469   doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-13-0132.1
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Landry, C.C., K.A. Buck, M.S. Raleigh, and M.P. Clark (2014). Mountain system monitoring at Senator Beck Basin, San Juan Mountains, Colorado: A new integrative data source to develop and evaluate models of snow and hydrologic processes. Water Resources Research, 50   doi: 10.1002/2013WR013711
  • Livneh, B., E. Marino and J. E. Ten Hoeve (2014). Emerging Ideas and Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Climate Change. Eos Trans DISCCRS VIII Interdisciplinary Climate Change Research Symposium, 95 (7)   doi: 10.1002/2014EO070006
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Livneh, B., J. S. Deems, D. Schneider, J. J. Barsugli, and N. P. Molotch (2014). Filling in the gaps: Inferring spatially distributed precipitation from gauge observations over complex terrain. Water Resources Research, 50 (11) 8589-8610   doi: 10.1002/2014WR015442
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Lukas, J., Barsugli, J., Doesken, N., Rangwala, I., and K. Wolter, (2014). Climate Change in Colorado: A Synthesis to Support Water Resources Management and Adaptation. A Report for the Colorado Water Conservation Board, Western Water Assessment, 114 pp. Climate_Change_CO_Report_2014_FINAL.pdf  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Lundquist J., M. Hughes, B. Henn, E. D. Gutmann, B. Livneh, J. Dozier, and P. Neiman (2014). High-elevation precipitation patterns: using snow measurements to diagnose when and why gridded datasets succeed or fail across the Sierra Nevada. California Journal of Hydrometeorology, January.
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    McNie, E. (2014). Evaluation of the NIDIS Upper Colorado River Basin Drought Early Warning System. Western Water Assessment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, November. Evaluation of the Nidis Upper Colorado River Basin Drought Early Warning System.pdf  
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    McNie, E. (2014). The Utah Model Report. Western Water Assessment Report. The Utah Model Report.pdf  
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Mulvaney, K. K., C. J. Foley, T. O. Höök, E. C. McNie, and L. S. Prokopy (2014). Identifying useful climate change information needs for Great Lakes Fisheries Managers. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40 (3) 590-598, September.   doi: 10.1016/j.jglr.2014.06.002
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Naud C., I. Rangwala, M. Xu and J.A. Miller (2014). A satellite view of the radiative impact of clouds on surface downward fluxes in the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology,   doi: 10.1175/JAMC-D-1114-0183.1171
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Perrot, D., N. P. Molotch, K. Musselman, and E. Pugh (2014). Modelling the effects of the mountain pine beetle on snowmelt in a subalpine forest. Ecohydrology, 7(2): 226-241,   doi: 10.1002/eco.1329 - 6724
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Ralph, F. M., M. Dettinger, A. White, D. Reynolds, D. Cayan, T. Schneider, R. Cifelli, K. Redmond, M. Anderson, F. Gherke, J. Jones, K. Mahoney, S. Gutman, V. Chandresekar, J. Lundquist, N. P. Molotch, L. Brekke, R. Pulwarty, J. Horel, L. Schick, A. Edman, P. Mote, J. Abatzoglou, R. Pierce, and G. Wick (2014). A vision for future observations for Western U.S. extreme precipitation and flooding. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 153(1): 16-32,   doi: 10.1111/j.1936-704X.2014.03176.x - 9915
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Travis, W. R. (2014). Weather and climate extremes: Pacemakers of adaptation?, Weather and Climate Extremes, Vol. 5-6, 29-39, September.   doi: 10.1016/j.wace.2014.08.001
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Travis, W. R. and B. Bates (2014). What is climate risk management?, Climate Risk Management, Vol. 1, 1-4,   doi: 10.1016/j.crm.2014.02.003


  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Averyt, K., J. Macknick, J. Rogers, N. Madden, J. Fisher, J. Meldrum, and R. Newmark (2013). Water use for electricity in the United States: an analysis of reported and calculated water use information for 2008. Environmental Research Letters, 8(1).
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Averyt, K., J. Meldrum, P. Caldwell, G. Sun, S. McNulty, A. Huber-Lee, and N. Madden (2013). Sectoral contributions to surface water stress in the coterminous United States. Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 8, No. 3,   doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/8/3/035046
  • Reports, Syntheses, and Assessments
    Averyt, K., L. D. Brekke, D. E. Busch, L. Kaatz, L. Welling, and E. H. Hartge (2013). Moving Forward with Imperfect Information. In Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States: A Report Prepared for the National Climate Assessment, edited by G. Garfin, A. Jardine, R. Merideth, M. Black, and S. LeRoy, 436–461. A report by the Southwest Climate Alliance. Washington, DC: Island Press.
  • Peer-Reviewed Journal Article
    Bardsley, T., A. Wood, M. Hobbins, T. Kirkham, L. Briefer, J. Niermeyer, and S. Burian (2013). Planning for an Uncertain Future: Climate Change Sensitivity Assessment toward Adaptation Planning for Public Water Supply. Earth Interactions, Vol. 17(23), 1-26, October,   doi: 10.1175/2012EI000501.1

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