The Impacts of Climate Change on Snowpack and Streamflow in the Western U.S. Webinar

The Impacts of Climate Change on Snowpack and Streamflow in the Western U.S. Webinar

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Learn about the impacts of climate change on snowpack and streamflow in the western U.S. with WWA researchers Dr. Noah Molotch and Dr. Ben Livneh. Dr. Molotch presents his research mapping snow water equivalent in real time using satellite data, models, and ground stations. His presentation drew on collaborations with water resource stakeholders from across the western U.S. Dr. Livneh examined “snow drought” in the Colorado River Basin over the past century. He evaluated the importance of how snow drought is defined, its historical variability, as well as its role in modulating streamflow. He also summarized recently completed work that examines the impact of anomalously low snowpack on streamflow prediction across the West and discusses ongoing efforts that explore new tools in seasonal water supply prediction.

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