Engaged Scientist Public Lecture - Bringing Science to the Table
-WorkshopLisa Dilling gave a public talk on usable science, followed by a panel discussion featuring Jeff Deems, Arnaud Chulliat, and Lise St. Denis whose science has been used beyond the university.
2018 WWA Stakeholder Meeting
-WorkshopWe will welcome two guest speakers, Bill McCormick, Chief of the Colorado Dam Safety Office and Dr. James Prairie, a hydrologist with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation at CADSWES. Each will give a talk on current projects with WWA that illustrate the entrainment of science into management decisions. Mr. McCormick will review the Colorado-New Mexico Regional Extreme Precipitation Study and considerations of PMP (probable maximum precipitation) in a changing climate. Dr.
EDDI (Evaporative Demand Drought Index)
-WebinarThe Evaporative Demand Drought Index, or EDDI, is a drought index that can serve as an indicator of both rapidly evolving “flash” droughts (developing over a few weeks) and sustained droughts (developing over months but lasting up to years) and that has been shown to provide earlier warning of drought than many established drought indices, such as the US Drought Monitor. EDDI is currently under development at NOAA’s Physical Sciences Laboratory and the Desert Research Institute and is slated for operationalization at the National Water Center by May, 2019.
2016 WWA Stakeholder Meeting
- Share results from recently completed WWA projects and progress of ongoing WWA projects
- Share other recently released climate tools and products that might be useful
- Get your input on emerging climate-related challenges and information needs
WWA & NOAA PSD El Niño panel discussion & webinar
-WebinarPanel includes Jeff Lukas, Klaus Wolter, Nezette Rydell, and Marty Hoerling
Snowpack monitoring for streamflow forecasting and drought planning - CO
-WorkshopThe University of Colorado Western Water Assessment (WWA), the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC), the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) C