San Juan Bark Beetles and Watersheds Workshop: What are the effects of beetle infestations on water supply and water quality?
-WorkshopCLICK HERE for the Beetles, Water, & Climate archive and download the ZIP file to access all presentations.
Landscape Water Use Software - Demonstration & Discussion
-Webinarby Dr. Joanna Endter-Wada, Dr. Roger Kjelgren , Dr. Christopher Neale, and Clay Lewis
Adapting to climate change on the Shoshone National Forest: A science-management collaboration to develop planning and management tools
-Webinarby Janine Rice, Linda Joyce, Bryan Armel, Ray Zubik, and Greg Bevenger
Simulating Colorado River Streamflow at Interannual and Interdecadal Time Scales and Implications for Water Resources Management
-Webinarby Edith Zagona, Ken Nowak, Cameron Bracken, Katrina Grantz
Utah Bark Beetles and Watersheds Workshop: Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle and Water Quality: What have we learned?
-WorkshopCLICK HERE for the Beetles, Water, & Climate archive and download the ZIP file to access all presentations.
Mountain Pine Beetle Science Symposium Impacts on the Hydrologic Cycle and Water Quality: What Have We Learned?
-WorkshopCLICK HERE for the Beetles, Water, & Climate archive and download the ZIP file to access all presentations.
The Utah Streamflow Forecast and Hydrometeorological Tools Workshop: Using & Improving NWS online tools
-WorkshopParticipants at this workshop will have the opportunity to hear about how streamflow forecasts are made, and will receive training in a computer lab setting on using the new and existing NOAA online resources. Participants will also be able to provide opinions and insight directly to the developers so the NOAA can improve the web-based tools. There will be exercises designed to glean further information from participants to help in the development and improvement of online resources. [Saint George, Utah]
Front Range Water Providers Workshop
-WorkshopThe Western Water Assessment hosted a one-day workshop for our partners in the Front Range water provider community. Our objectives for this workshop were to present ongoing and planned WWA research projects and activities most relevant to Front Range water interests, solicit input on these projects and learn about your climate-related concerns, discuss recent climate studies involving Front Range water providers and lessons learned from them, and generate ideas for future WWA efforts. [Boulder, Colorado]