
  • Water, Drought and Wyoming's Climate


    WWA co-sponsored an all day workshop hosted by the University of Wyoming and others dedicated to understanding how climate variability and change impacts Wyoming’s water resources. This workshop was in Laramie, WY. 

  • Climate and Drought Forecasting - WY


    Topics:  NOAA/CPC operational climate seasonal forecasts, the NOAA-USDA Climate Monitor, Klaus Wolter's Southwest Experimental Seasonal Forecasts,  and CDC experimental 6-10 day and 8-14 day intra-seasonal climate forecasts. [Cheyenne, Wyoming]

  • Climate and Drought Forecasting - CO


    Topics:  NOAA/CPC operational climate seasonal forecasts, the NOAA-USDA Climate Monitor, Klaus Wolter's Southwest Experimental Seasonal Forecasts,  and CDC experimental 6-10 day and 8-14 day intra-seasonal climate forecasts. [Golden, Colorado]

  • Colorado River Basin Water Year 2005 Outlook Briefing


    WWA co-sponsored a water supply briefing for Colorado River stakeholders focused on seasonal hydroclimatic outlooks for the Water Year 2005. The briefing (1) provided an assessment of current and projected climate conditions and water availability impacting the lower and upper Colorado River Basin: (2) described the various forecast tools available for seasonal climate and hydrologic predictions; and (3) established a protocol to provide regular updates of these forecast products to interested stakeholders.

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