Snowpack monitoring for streamflow forecasting and drought planning - WY
-WorkshopThe University of Colorado Western Water Assessment (WWA), the Wyoming State Engineer’s Office (SEO), the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), the Wyoming Water Association, and the University of Wyoming Water Resources Data System (WRDS) convened a one-day workshop f
Snowpack monitoring for streamflow forecasting and drought planning - UT
-WorkshopThe University of Colorado Western Water Assessment (WWA), the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS), Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (CBRFC), and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Hydroclimatic variability in the Wasatch: Bridging research and management
-WorkshopThumbnail: Tree-ring reconstruction of annual flow of the Bear River, 800–2010, smoothed to emphasize decadal-scale variability
The Western Water Assessment (WWA) and the Wasatch Dendroclimatology Research (WADR) Group—a joint effort of USU, BYU, and US Forest Service scientists—conducted a short workshop to to support the application of multi-century tree-ring reconstructions in water management in northern Utah. Over 30 water managers, researchers, and others participated in the workshop. [Layton, Utah]
Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow and applications in Wasatch water management
-WorkshopThe Western Water Assessment (WWA) and the Wasatch Dendroclimatology Research (WADR) Group—a joint effort of USU, BYU, and US Forest Service scientists—conducted a workshop to support the application of multi-century tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow in water management in northern Utah. Over 30 water managers, researchers, and others participated in the workshop.
The workshop covered:
Wildfire Effects on Water Supplies in Colorado Part 2
-WebinarDon Kennedy, Denver Water - Denver Water's Impacts of Past Wildfires, and the Forests to Faucets Partnership
Wildfire Effects on Water Supplies in Colorado
-WebinarTom Veblen, Geography, University of Colorado - Front Range Fire History