Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow and applications in Wasatch water management

Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow and applications in Wasatch water management

Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow and applications in Wasatch water management thumbnail
Event Type

The Western Water Assessment (WWA) and the Wasatch Dendroclimatology Research (WADR) Group—a joint effort of USU, BYU, and US Forest Service scientists—conducted a workshop to support the application of multi-century tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow in water management in northern Utah. Over 30 water managers, researchers, and others participated in the workshop.

The workshop covered:

- Principles and methods of tree-ring science and streamflow reconstructions
- Newly developed streamflow reconstructions for Wasatch rivers and streams
- Research findings on climate cycles and drought in northern Utah
- Current use of hydroclimatic data in Wasatch water planning
- Successful applications of tree-ring data in water planning elsewhere in the West

The workshop concluded with a discussion of how the new reconstructions might be applied to water management in northern Utah, and what additional information is needed.

Workshop Agenda and Presentations


Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow: West-wide perspectives on their interpretation and use
Jeff Lukas (WWA)
SLIDES (pdf)


Hydroclimatic Reconstructions from Tree Rings for the Wasatch Front
Matt Bekker (BYU and WADR), Justin DeRose (USDA Forest Service and WADR), Tammy Rittenour (USU and WADR)
SLIDES (pdf)


A new spatially-dense tree-ring network for Utah: What can it tell us?
Simon Wang (USU and WADR) and Justin DeRose
SLIDES (pdf)


The changing winter precipitation regime in Utah
Rob Gillies (USU and WADR)
SLIDES (pdf)


Denver Water’s Use of Tree-Ring-based Stream Flow Reconstructions
Steve Schmitzer (Denver Water)
SLIDES (pdf)
WEBCAST (0 to 21:30)


Modeling with Tree-ring Reconstructions (Upper Yampa Water Conservancy District)
Ben Harding (AMEC)
SLIDES (pdf)
WEBCAST (21:40 to end)


Revising Reservoir Planning Based On Vulnerability To Sustained Drought In The Past And Future
Charlie Ester (Salt River Project)
SLIDES (pdf)
WEBCAST (0 to 24:50)


Tree Ring Reconstruction Applications in Water Management Planning
Laura Briefer (Salt Lake City Dept. Public Utilities)
SLIDES (pdf)
WEBCAST (25:30 to 46:30)


Group discussion: Potential applications of the new Wasatch reconstructions, and needs for additional data
WEBCAST (47:30 to end)

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