Intermountain West Climate Dashboard

Start Date

Research Theme
Primary Investigators

Geographic Region

The Intermountain West Climate Dashboard, which debuted in October 2012, is our most popular resource that provides information and graphics about current and forecasted regional weather, climate, and water information. Feedback from WWA stakeholders through multiple program evaluations and analyses of website traffic indicate that the dashboard is a very useful ‘one-stop shop’ for up-to-date climate and water information for WWA’s three-state region. 

In 2015, WWA built on this success by implementing a second, similar dashboard covering the combined eight-state region of WWA, the North Central Climate Adaptation Science Center (NC CASC), and the USDA Northern Plains Climate Hub (NPCH), in collaboration with those two entities. The Rocky Mountains and High Plains Climate Dashboard has proven to be useful to stakeholders of our three centers. In September 2021, we released updated dashboards that use the most up-to-date web design technology on our new program website. 

We have also continued to release monthly Intermountain West Climate Briefings, which are posted on our website and emailed to our broad stakeholder mailing list. The monthly climate and weather summaries have proven to be very popular, with a high open and click-through rate, and requests from stakeholders to continue to produce them.

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