Evaporation, Drought, and the Water Cycle Across Timescales: Climate Foundational Sciences for the North Central Climate Science Center


Start Date

Primary Investigators
Other Investigators
Jeff Lukas
Andrea Ray
J. Morisette (NC CASC)
D. Ojima (NC CASC)
S. McNeeley (NC CASC)
R. Rondeau (CO Natural Heritage Program)
J. Rice (Southern Rockies LCC)
L. Joyce (USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station)
D. Llewellyn (Bureau of Reclamation)
M. Friggens (US Forest Service)
The Nature Conservancy
US Forest Service
Other conservation agencies

The goals of this project are twofold: First, we aim to co-produce relevant climate information and integrate that into the socio-ecological decision making context.  This includes helping with the development of future climate scenarios for specific projects, application of existing and emerging climate products and tools, interpretation of emerging and relevant physical science research, and continuous engagement with stakeholders and boundary organizations in exploring appropriate tools and datasets. Second, we are conducting primary research into drivers of hydro-climatic trends and extremes in the North Central Great Plains and Intermountain West Regions (Missouri River Basin and Upper Colorado River Basin) across multiple timescales. These include understanding drivers of droughts and developing better indicators for short and long term drought.  We organized a 2-day workshop, September 24-25, 2015 on the application of high-resolution climate models (HRCMs) for socio-ecological adaptation in the NC CSC regions at the NOAA Earth Systems Research Laboratory in Boulder. The motivation was to explore recent advances in HRCMs and discuss how can they better inform ecological impacts modeling and adaptation projects in the US Northern Great Plains and Mountains. The workshop, attended by climate modelers and expert users of climate information for socio-ecological impacts assessment, was structured around three major themes: (a) convective precipitation, (b) land-surface feedbacks, and (c) usability of HRCM output.

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