Stakeholder Climate Needs Document List

The Stakeholder Climate Needs Document List provides various reports, workshop summaries, presentations, white papers and other publications related to stakeholders climate related needs in the WWA region (Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming). Documents emerged from several sectors in the region, including water management, recreation/tourism, agriculture, natural resources/wildlife, and tribal concerns. Some documents were general and covered more than one sector; these were classified as representing "multiple" sectors.

This document list was compiled as part of WWA's project on investigating what stakeholders need to manage for climate change and variability. The project utilized a document needs analysis to better understand these needs and to avoid stakeholder fatigue. Contact Lisa Dilling for more information.



  1. Climate Variability and Change in the Southwest: Impacts, Information Needs, and Issues for Policymaking

    Year: 1998
    Author: Merideth, R., et al.
    Affiliated: Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy 

  2. Proceedings of the Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Climate-Change Workshop

    Year: 1998
    Author: Wagner, F.H. and Baron, J.
    Affiliated: USGS, Utah State University

  3. Native Peoples-Native Homelands Climate Change Workshop

    Year: 1998
    Author: Maynard, N.G.
    Affiliated: US Global Change Research Program

  4. Water: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for the Water Resources of the United States

    Year: 2000
    Author: Gleick, P., et al. 
    Affiliated: DOI, USGS, and Pacific Institute

  5. Preparing for a Changing Climate: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change

    Year: 2002 
    Author: Ojima, D.S., Lackett, J.M. 
    Affiliated: Central Great Plains Regional Assessment Group

  6. Climate Change and Tourism in the Mountain Regions of North America

    Year: 2003 
    Author: Scott, D. 

  7. Preparing for a Changing Climate: The Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change

    Year: 2003 
    Author: Wagner, F.H. 
    Affiliated: Rocky Mountain/Great Basin Regional Assessment Team

  8. Mountain hydrology of the semi-arid western US: Research needs, opportunities, and challenges

    Year: 2004 
    Author: Bales, R., et al. 
    Affiliated: American Geophysical Union

  9. Front Range Water Provider Climate Change Workshop: Meeting Minutes

    Year: 2006 
    Author: WWA
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  10. Climate Variability and Change in the San Juan Mountains: Scientist-Identified Research Gaps

    Year: 2006 
    Author: MSI 
    Affiliated: Mountain Studies Institute

  11. Climate Variability and Change in the San Juan Mountains: Reports from Stakeholder Breakout Group Discussions

    Year: 2006 
    Author: MSI 
    Affiliated: Mountain Studies Institute

  12. Climate change adaptation in the ski industry

    Year: 2006 
    Author: Scott, D. and G. McBoyle

  13. Water Needs and Strategies for a Sustainable Future

    Year: 2006 
    Author: WGA, WSWC 
    Affiliated: Western Governors' Association

  14. Mapping New Terrain: Climate Change and America's West

    Year: 2006 
    Author: CIRMOUNT Committee 
    Affiliated: Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains

  15. Water Supply in a Changing Climate: The Perspective of Family Farmers and Ranchers in the Irrigated West

    Year: 2007 
    Author: FFA 
    Affiliated: Family Farm Alliance

  16. Climate Change in Rocky Mountain National Park: Preservation in the Face of Uncertainty

    Year: 2007
    Author: NPS 
    Affiliated: National Park Service

  17. Colorado Climate Action Panel, Final Report - Chapter 8: Water Adaptation

    Year: 2007 
    Author: Colorado Climate Action Panel 
    Affiliated: Rocky Mountain Climate Organization

  18. Proceedings of the May 2007 Climate Change Research Needs Workshop

    Year: 2007 
    Author: Jones, J., et al. 
    Affiliated: Western Governors' Association

  19. Written Testimony of Bradley Udall, Hearing on Impacts of Climate Change on Water Supply and Availability in the United States

    Year: 2007
    Author: Udall, B. 
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  20. Needs Assessment Project

    Year: 2007 
    Author: Jackson-Smith, D. 
    Affiliated: Inland Northwest Research Alliance

  21. Climate and Tourism on the Colorado Plateau

    Year: 2008 
    Author: Alvord, C., et al. 
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  22. Diving in the Deep End: Help Water Agencies Address Climate Change

    Year: 2008 
    Author: Mulroy, Pat 
    Affiliated: Brookings Institute

  23. Climate Change Adaptation Workshop for Natural Resource Management

    Year: 2008 
    Author: CIRMOUNT, MSI 
    Affiliated: Mountain Studies Institute

  24. Water Needs and Strategies for a Sustainable Future: Next Steps

    Year: 2008 
    Author: WGA, WSWC 
    Affiliated: Western Governors' Association

  25. Western States Watershed Study - Future Directions Regarding Water Data Needs

    Year: 2008 
    Author: Hackett, M. 
    Affiliated: U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers, Fort Worth District

  26. Lessons learned from the 2000s Western drought: Evolving linkages between research and services

    Year: 2008 
    Author: Ray, A. 
    Affiliated: NOAA/ESRL/WWA

  27. Drought Monitoring - How It's Done, How Well Does It Work, and What is Needed

    Year: 2008
    Author: Comte, D.L. 
    Affiliated: NOAA

  28. Water Managers Roundtable

    Year: 2008
    Affiliated: US Climate Change Science Program, Western Governors' Asssociation, Western States Water Council

  29. Climate Change and Fisheries Challenges

    Year: 2008 
    Author: Stone, M.D. 
    Affiliated: Wyoming Game and Fish Department

  30. Colorado: Assessing the Costs of Climate Change

    Year: 2008
    Author: National Conference of State Legislatures 
    Affiliated: National Conference of State Legislatures

  31. The 'Dealing with Drought: Adapting to a Changing Climate' Workshops: A Report for the Colorado Water Conservation Board

    Year: 2009 
    Author: Averyt, K., et al. 
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  32. Factors influencing the use of climate information by Colorado municipal water managers

    Year: 2009 
    Author: Lowrey, J., et al. 
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  33. Empowering Natural Resource Managers to Adapt to Climate Change, 2009

    Year: 2009 
    Author: DOI 
    Affiliated: U.S. Department of the Interior

  34. Proceedings of the First National Expert and Stakeholder Workshop on Water Infrastructure Sustainability and Adaptation to Climate Change

    Year: 2009
    Author: EPA 
    Affiliated: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

  35. Options for Improving Climate Modeling to Assist Water Utility Planning for Climate Change

    Year: 2009
    Author: Barsugli, J., et al. 
    Affiliated: Water Utility Climate Alliance

  36. Science and Decision Making: Water Management and Tree-Ring Data in the Western United States

    Year: 2009 
    Author: Rice, J., et al.

  37. Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop Proceedings

    Year: 2009
    Author: USGS, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative 
    Affiliated: USGS

  38. Climate Observation Data and Tools

    Year: 2009 
    Author: Redmon, K.T. 
    Affiliated: Western Regional Climate Center, Desert Research Institute

  39. The San Juan Climate Initiative: A Scientist-Stakeholder Partnership for Understanding and Adapting to Climate Change

    Year: 2009 
    Author: Nydick, K. 
    Affiliated: Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains

  40. Assessing the Future of Wyoming's Water Resources, Adding Climate Change to the Equation

    Year: 2009 
    Author: University of Wyoming 
    Affiliated: University of Wyoming

  41. Impacts of Climate Change on Tribes in the United States

    Year: 2009 
    Author: National Tribal Air Association 
    Affiliated: National Tribal Air Association

  42. Written Testimony of Heidi J. McIntosh, Associate Director of the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, Hearing on the Role of Federal Lands in Combating Climate Change

    Year: 2009 
    Author: McIntosh, H.J. 
    Affiliated: Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance

  43. Healthy Headwaters Project - Working Group Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Carpe Diem West 
    Affiliated: Carpe Diem West

  44. Decision Support Planning Methods: Incorporating Climate Change Uncertainties Into Water Planning

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Means, E., et al. 
    Affiliated: Water Utility Climate Alliance

  45. Climate Adaptation Priorities for the Western States: Scoping Report

    Year: 2010 
    Author: WGA 
    Affiliated: Western Governors' Association

  46. Great Basin and Mojave Desert Climate Change Workshop

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Willardson, T. 
    Affiliated: Western States Water Council

  47. Climate Change, Drought and Early Warning on Western Native Lands Workshop Report

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Collins, G., et al. 
    Affiliated: National Intergrated Drought Information System

  48. Southern Rockies LCC Meeting, Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge

    Year: 2010 
    Author: SRLCC 
    Affiliated: Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperatives

  49. Desert and Southern Rockies LCCs Outreach Meeting, Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Year: 2010 
    Author: SRLCC 
    Affiliated: Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperatives

  50. Bear River Climate Change Adaptation Workshop Summary

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Degiorgio, J. 
    Affiliated: Southwest Climate Change Initiative

  51. Climate Change Adaptation for Natural Resource Managers in the Gunnison Basin: Summary

    Year: 2010 
    Author: Neely, B. et al. 
    Affiliated: Southwest Climate Change Initiative

  52. Colorado Climate Preparedness Project, Final Draft

    Year: 2011 
    Author: Averyt, K., et al. 
    Affiliated: Western Water Assessment

  53. Improving Drought Preparedness in the West: Findings and Recommendations from the WGA and WSWC Workshops

    Year: 2011 
    Author: WGA, WSWC 
    Affiliated: Western Governors' Association

  54. Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative Stakeholder Forum Summary

    Year: 2011
    Author: GB LCC 
    Affiliated: Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative

  55. Managing Changing Landscapes in the Southwestern United States

    Year: 2011
    Author: Robles, M.D. and Enquist, C. 
    Affiliated: The Nature Conservancy

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