A Socioeconomic Impacts and Adaptation Strategies Clearinghouse


Start Date

Primary Investigators
William Travis
Roberta Klein

Geographic Region

This project entailed the creation of an online, searchable database of research on socioeconomic impacts of climate change in the Intermountain West. It has been populated with more than 160 items, including peer- and non-peer-reviewed articles, reports, websites, presentations, etc. addressing the socioeconomic impacts of various climate phenomena.  The items can be sorted by sector (e.g., agriculture, outdoor recreation, water), phenomenon (climate variability, climate change, drought, floods, fire, heat waves, extreme events), and the geographical location(s) the item focuses on. In general, there was more literature about the socioeconomic impacts of climate variability and change on outdoor recreation than initially expected. The PIs have drafted two separate white papers to capture the state of existing knowledge on socioeconomic impacts of drought in the West. (socioeconimpacts .org)

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