Integrating Hazard Mitigation Planning and Climate Planning in the Mountain West

Start Date

Research Theme
Primary Investigators
Seth Arens
Seth Arens
Benét Duncan
Other Investigators
Rachel Riley
Darrian Bertrand
Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP)
Utah Division of Emergency Management
Utah hazard mitigation planners

WWA is well-positioned to support climate-informed hazard mitigation planning and the transition from planning to action. We are collaborating with a partner RISA program, the Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program (SCIPP), to build the capacity of state and local hazard mitigation efforts to incorporate climate change planning into their natural hazards planning efforts, and to use those planning efforts to support actionable climate adaptation. The project will be completed in two phases: Phase 1 will focus on developing the Utah Hazard Planning Tool and engaging Utah stakeholders, and Phase 2 will support the transition from hazard mitigation planning to actionable climate adaptation at multiple scales in both the SCIPP and WWA regions. This collaborative project will both transfer a tested tool across RISA regions, and build on each team’s research to contribute to scientific understanding of climate-informed hazard planning.


  • Riley, R., D. Bertrand, and S. Arens, 2022: Connecting Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Planning in Climate Discourse-Sensitive Regions: A Cross-RISA
    Collaborative Project. Southern Climate Impacts Planning Program and Western Water Assessment, 22 pp.


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