News and Spotlights


  • Water Lines: Climate change likely to heat up Western Colorado


    Grand Junction (CO) Sentinel

  • Climate models show long-range reduction in West Slope water supply


    Grand Junction (CO) Sentinel

  • WWA 2012 Stakeholder Meeting


    On Tuesday, October 2, WWA convened its third annual stakeholder meeting. The meeting provided a forum for WWA to present the results of recently completed research projects and the objectives of the new projects for the coming year, and to get feedback from our community about those projects and their emerging needs for climate-related information and research. Presentations from the meeting have now been posted on the Meeting homepage.

  • The new Intermountain West Climate Dashboard


    At our Stakeholder Meeting on October 2, we demonstrated our "beta" Intermountain West Climate Dashboard, which provides most of the same climate graphics as are in the WWA Intermountain West Climate Summary (IWCS), but with the advantage of being updated much more frequently—daily, in many cases. Accompanying the graphics is a brief text summary of conditions as of October 1. We encourage you to check out the Dashboard and provide us with feedback on how it works.

  • Changes and new faces at WWA


    Kristen Averyt, WWA's Deputy Director since 2008, was named the CIRES Associate Director of Science in August. While we will greatly miss her energy and output as a full-time staffer, she will continue to be a member of the WWA research team. Congratulations to Kristen on her new position!

    Ben Livneh, most recently at the University of Washington, has joined WWA as a CIRES postdoctoral research fellow, working mainly on the Snowmelt Perturbations project.

    James Meldrum, recent PhD from the University of Colorado Environmental Studies program, is now a WWA researcher on the Water for Energy project (jointly with NREL).

  • WWA debuts new website


    On October 1, the redesigned Western Water Assessment website went live. The new design and organization is intended to be more straightforward and pleasant to use. Key information on WWA's activities has also been updated. Not all resources from the old website have been carried over to the new one, so if you have difficulty finding a resource you previously accessed at WWA, please let us know at and we'll find it for you.

  • WWA has new contact email


    The main contact email for the Western Water Assessment is now, changed from the previous While we have close ties with NOAA, being a RISA program funded by the NOAA Climate Program Office and physically located in the NOAA ESRL building, we're formally a program of the University of Colorado Boulder. Our new email better reflects our affiliation with the university.

  • Dear monsoon, please materialize


    High Country News

  • July 2012 IWCS now available - special issue on Drought


    The July 2012 issue of the Intermountain West Climate Summary is now available. This is a special issue on the 2012 drought in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, in collaboration with the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS).

    Two-page drought briefing also available

    On July 12, WWA and NIDIS also released a two-page briefing on the 2012 drought, which summarizes the more detailed information found in the July IWCS.

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