Prospects for Advancing Hydroclimatic Prediction at Seasonal and Longer Timescale

Prospects for Advancing Hydroclimatic Prediction at Seasonal and Longer Timescale

Event Type

Colorado River Hydrology Research Symposium Webinar Series. This three-part series expands on the opportunities identified in the 2020 Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science report. The series, hosted by the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) and partners from the Colorado River Climate and Hydrology Work Group,  highlights the latest weather and streamflow data, tools, and research that could potentially be used to improve Colorado River water resources management.

Moderated by: Andy Wood, NCAR. This webinar explores new ways to improve climate prediction and highlights advances in non-River Forecast Center platforms for hydrologic forecasting. Presentations focus on using key modes of climate variability and their teleconnections as predictors for forecasts, explores new tools such as Artificial Intelligence, and describes a test bed framework to evaluate the skill of forecasts.

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