Adapting to Climate Change in Wyoming: Small Grants Competition
Adapting to Climate Change in Wyoming: Small Grants Competition
The University of Wyoming and Western Water Assessment (WWA) are pleased to announce the Adapting to Climate Change in Wyoming grant competition.
Funding will support climate change adaptation projects for small rural communities and organizations. Proposals may include activities such as understanding perceptions and risk, community outreach and engagement, assessing vulnerability, funding applied adaptation projects, addressing baseline vulnerabilities and stressors, or extending existing programs to serve rural communities.
- Build resilience of communities, enabling people, communities, institutions, and ecosystems to be prepared for, withstand, and emerge stronger from shocks and chronic stresses;
- catalyze local and regional adaptation and innovation that has the capacity to inspire communities across the state;
- leverage the resources of Western Water Assessment and build relationships that have the potential to last beyond the proposal duration; and
- meet locally-defined and relevant needs of community members, organizations, or institutions.
About the Grants
WHAT: The Adapting to Climate Change in Wyoming grant program will fund 3-4 community projects with up to $30,000 each.
WHY: Wyoming communities face increasing climate-related risks including wildfire, drought, flooding, and heat waves, compounded by existing economic, social, and environmental stressors.
WHO: Community groups; local, state, and tribal governments; nonprofit organizations; and private entities that work across the state in rural communities are encouraged to apply.
WHEN: Proposals are due on March 31 and funding decisions will be made by May 1, 2023. Projects must be completed by July 2025.
HOW: The WWA team will collaborate with each grantee to support project implementation. WWA offers several services to support winning proposals. Successful proposals will clearly demonstrate which support service they will use and how project initiatives will advance the goals listed above.