Mark Raleigh

  • Mark Raleigh
    Assistant Professor
    Oregon State University

    Mark Raleigh

    Dr. Mark Raleigh is a snow hydrologist and an assistant professor in the Geography program in the College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University. Previously he was a researcher at the National Snow and Ice Data Center and the Geological Sciences Department at the University of Colorado, Boulder. His research interests include snow hydrology of the western United States, forest-snow process interactions, remote sensing, numerical modeling, and data assimilation.


  • Raleigh, M.S., B. Livneh, K. Lapo, and J.D. Lundquist (2016). How does availability of meteorological forcing data impact physically-based snowpack simulations? Journal of Hydrometeorology, 17, 99-120   doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0235.1

  • Dickerson-Lange, S.E., J. A. Lutz., K. A. Martin, M. S. Raleigh, R. Gersonde, and J.D. Lundquist (2015). Evaluating observational methods to quantify snow duration under diverse forest canopies. Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 2, Pages 1203-1224    doi: 10.1002/2014WR01574

  • Lapo, K., L. Hinkelman, M. S. Raleigh, and J.D. Lundquist (2015). Impact of errors in the surface radiation balance on simulations of snow water equivalent and snow surface temperature. Water Resources Research, Volume 51, Issue 3, Pages 1649-1670   doi: 10.1002/2014WR016259

  • Raleigh, M.S., J. D. Lundquist, and M.P. Clark (2015). Exploring the impact of forcing error characteristics on physically based snow simulations within a global sensitivity analysis framework. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, Volume 19, Issue 7, 3153-3179   doi: 10.5194/hess-19-3153-2015

  • Landry, C.C., K.A. Buck, M.S. Raleigh, and M.P. Clark (2014). Mountain system monitoring at Senator Beck Basin, San Juan Mountains, Colorado: A new integrative data source to develop and evaluate models of snow and hydrologic processes. Water Resources Research, 50   doi: 10.1002/2013WR013711

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