Maria Carmen Lemos

  • University of Michigan and GLISA

    Maria Carmen Lemos

    Maria Carmen Lemos' broad research interests are related to climate adaptation and the role of knowledge in building adaptive capacity.

    Lemos was a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC-AR5) and the Fourth US National Climate Assessment (NCA4), contribute to IPCC-AR4, and has served in a number of the US National Research Council of the National Academies of Sciences committees including Restructuring Federal Climate Research to Meet the Challenges of Climate Change (2007 and 2009), America Climate Choice Science Panel (2010) and the Board on Environmental Change and Society (2008-2014) and the Council Committee to Advise the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)—(2011-13).


  • Dilling, Lisa, Maria Carmen Lemos, and Nuvodita Singh. 2021. “Commentary: First, Do No Harm: Scaling Usable Knowledge for Just and Equitable Outcomes.” Global Environmental Change 71 (November): 102404.

  • Simpson, C., L. Dilling, K. Dow, K. Lackstrom, M.C. Lemos, and R. Riley (2016). Assessing needs and decision contexts: RISA approaches to engagement research, in: Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation, Ed. A. Parris and G. Garfin3-26, Wiley and Sons. ISBN: 9781118474792

  • Dilling, L., K. Lackstrom, B. Haywood, K. Dow, M. C. Lemos, J. Berggren, and S. Kalafatis (2015). What stakeholder needs tell us about enabling adaptive capacity: The intersection of context and information provision across regions in the United States. Weather, Climate, and Society, 7:(1) 5-17

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