Jeff Deems

  • Jeff Deems
    Research Scientist, CIRES, NSIDC, ASO
    Airborne Snow Observatories, Inc.

    Jeff Deems

    I am a Research Scientist specializing in laser mapping of mountain snowpacks, dust impacts on snowmelt, field observations, hydroclimate and climate change modeling, remote sensing, spatial analysis, and distributed process hydrology modeling in mountain basins.

    My work at the University of Colorado studying mountain snowpacks, lidar applications, mountain hydrology, and climate change impacts and mitigation help support operational hydrology, water resources, and avalanche forecasting and education interests.

    As Co-Founder, CTO-Hardware, and Formulation Lead for Airborne Snow Observatories, Inc., I am working to enable next generation water management through full-basin snow depth, water equivalent, and albedo mapping.


  • Schneider, Dominik, Noah P. Molotch, Jeffrey S. Deems, and Thomas H. Painter (2021). Analysis of Topographic Controls on Depletion Curves Derived from Airborne Lidar Snow Depth Data. Hydrology Research52 (1): 253–65.

  • Painter, T.H., S.M. Skiles, J.S. Deems, W.T. Brandt, and J. Dozier (2018). Variation in Rising Limb of Colorado River Snowmelt Runoff Hydrograph Controlled by Dust Radiative Forcing in Snow. Geophysical Research Letters.   doi: 10.1002/2017GL075826

  • Livneh, B., J.S. Deems, B. Buma, J.J. Barsugli, D. Schneider, N.P. Molotch, K. Wolter, and C.A. Wessman (2015). Catchment response to bark beetle outbreak and dust-on-snow in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Journal of Hydrology, 523, 196-210   doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.01.039

  • Livneh, B., J. S. Deems, D. Schneider, J. J. Barsugli, and N. P. Molotch (2014). Filling in the gaps: Inferring spatially distributed precipitation from gauge observations over complex terrain. Water Resources Research, 50 (11) 8589-8610   doi: 10.1002/2014WR015442

  • Bryant, A., T. H. Painter, J. S. Deems, and S. M. Bender (2013). Impact of dust radiative forcing in snow on accuracy of operational runoff prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, 3945-3949,   doi: 10.1002/grl.50773
  • Deems, J.S., T. H. Painter, J. J. Barsugli, J. Belnap, and B. Udall (2013). Combined impacts of current and future dust deposition and regional warming on Colorado River Basin snow dynamics and hydrology. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 4401-4413,

  • Painter, T. H., S. M. Skiles, J. S. Deems, A. C. Bryant, and C. C. Landry (2012). Dust radiative forcing in snow of the Upper Colorado River Basin: 1. A 6 year record of energy balance, radiation, and dust concentrations. Water Resources Research, 48: W07521.   

  • Skiles, S. M., T. H. Painter, J. S. Deems, A. C. Bryant, and C. C. Landry (2012). Dust radiative forcing in snow of the Upper Colorado River Basin: 2. Interannual variability in radiative forcing and snowmelt rates. Water Resources Research, 48: W07522.

  • Painter, T. H., J. S. Deems, J. Belnap, A. F. Hamlet, C. C. Landry, and B. Udall (2010). Response of Colorado River Runoff to Dust Radiative Forcing in Snow. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(40): 17125-17130.   

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