Heather Yocum

  • Heather Yocum

    Heather Yocum

    Heather M. Yocum is a Research Scientist at the University of Colorado-Boulder and CIRES/NOAA. An environmental anthropologist and political ecologist, Heather studies how social systems impact the way that humans understand and interact with the environment. Her current research is on the social dynamics that influence the supply of and demand for weather and climate information, including production, dissemination, understanding, and use in the Western US. Her research interests include the changing patterns of land use and natural resource management in the face of climate change; the production, dissemination, and use of climate and weather information; environmental markets and payments for ecosystem services; and the emerging carbon and climate knowledge economies. Heather received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from Michigan State University.


  • Schulz T., H. Wilmer, H.M. Yocum, E. Winford, D. Peck, AA.C. Monlezun, H. Schmalz, T. Klemm, K. Epstein, V. Jansen, W. Kelley, R. Bruegger, S. Fick, J. Gazing Wolf, J. Grace, R. Mann, and J. Derner (2021). Campfire Conversations at the 2020 Annual Meeting: Insights & lessons learned from “cuss-and-discuss” rather than “chalk-and-talk.” Rangelands.     https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rala.2021.04.003

  • Yocum, H.M. and A.J. Ray (2019). Climate Information to Support Wildlife Management in the North Central United States. Regional Environmental Change, 19 (4): 1187–99.   doi: 10.1007/s10113-019-01474-y

  • Yocum, H.M., J. Lukas, and U. Rick. 2018. Spring 2018 MODIS-based spatial SWE product for the Intermountain West region: Feedback from beta testers. Western Water Assessment, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder. MODIS_based_SWE_product_feedback_report.pdf  

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