Douglas Kenney
Retired - Getches-Wilkinson Center, Law School, University of Colorado Boulder
Douglas Kenney
Before his retirement, Douglas Kenney was Director of the Western Water Policy Program, a division of CU Law School’s Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment. Doug has a broad interdisciplinary background in natural resources, beginning with a B.A. in Environmental, Population and Organismic (EPO) Biology from the University of Colorado in 1987, an M.S. in Natural Resources Policy and Administration from the University of Michigan's School of Natural Resources and Environment in 1989, and a Ph.D. in Renewable Natural Resource Studies from the University of Arizona's School of Renewable Natural Resources in 1993. Prior to joining the Center, Doug was employed as an independent consultant, primarily working on the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa and Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACT/ACF) River Basin study in the southeastern United States.
Kenney, D. S. (2014). Understanding utility disincentives to water conservation as a means of adapting to climate change pressures. Journal of American Water Works Association, 106(1)
Kenney, D., and A. Kuranz. (2014). Media Treatment of 'Climate Change' in Shaping Colorado River Problems and Solutions. Western Water Assessment White Paper. Media Treatment of ‘Climate Change’ in Shaping Colorado River Problems and Solutions.pdf
Kenney, D.S., and R. Wilkinson, Eds. (2011). The Water-Energy Nexus in the Western United States. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kenney, D., A. J. Ray, B. Harding, R. S. Pulwarty, and B. Udall (2010). Rethinking Vulnerability on the Colorado River. Water Resources Research, 144(1): 5-10.
Kenney, D. (2009). The Colorado River: What Prospect for ‘A River No More’. In F. Molle and P. Wester, eds., River Basins: Trajectories, Societies, Environments: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture, CAB International: Wallingford England: 123-146.
Klein, R., and D. Kenney (2009). The Land Use Planning, Water Resources and Climate Change Adaptation Connection: Challenges and Opportunities -- A Review. Western Water Assessment white paper.
Kenney, D. (2008). Statutory and Institutional Challenges to Climate Change Adaptation. New Mexico Convening of Carpe Diem: Western Water and Climate Change, Albuquerque, NM.
Kenney, D. (2008). History of River Governance in the United States. In Sustainability in River Basins, pages 109-134. A. Dehnhardt and U. Petschow, eds. Munich: oekom.
Kenney, D., R. Klein, C. Goemans, C. Alvord, and J. Shapiro (2008). The Impact of Earlier Spring Snowmelt on Water Rights and Administration: A Preliminary Overview of Issues and Circumstances in the Western States. Boulder, CO, Western Water Assessment White Paper.
Kenney, D., C. Goemans, R. Klein, J. Lowrey, and K. Reidy (2008). Residential Water Demand Management: Lessons from Aurora, Colorado. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 44(1): 192-207.
Shapiro, J., D. Kenney, R. Klein, C. Goemans, and C. Alvord (2008). Climate Change and the Functioning of Water Rights: A Search of the Literature. Western Water Assessment Report.
Goemans, C., A. Strong, D. Kenney, and R. Klein (2007). Quantity Uncertainty and the Role of Information in an Increasing Block Rate Structure: Water Smart Readers. Western Water Assessment White Paper.
Kenney, D., C. Goemans, R. Klein, J. Lowrey, and K. Reidy (2007). Residential Water Demand Management in Aurora: Learning from the Drought Crisis. Colorado Water. Fort Collins, CO, Colorado Water Resources Research Institute, February/March: 14-16.
Kenney, D. (2007). Book Review: Drought and Water Crises (by Donald Wilhite). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, September.
Kenney, D., R. Klein, C. Goemans, and C. Alvord (2007). The Effect of Changing Hydrographs on Interstate Apportionments. Western Water Assessment Working Paper.
Klein, R., and D. Kenney (2006). Use of Climate Information in Municipal Drought Planning in Colorado. Western Water Assessment White Paper.
Kenney, D. (2005). The Greenhouse Effect. American Nurseryman, 12(201): 36-39.
Kenney, D. S. (2005). Prior Appropriation and Water Rights Reform in the Western United States. In Water Rights Reform: Lessons for Institutional Design. Washington, D.C., International Food Policy Research Institute: 167-182.
Udall, B., and D. Kenney (2005). Drought, the Colorado River Compact and Your Water. Ditch and Reservoir Company Alliance (DARCA) Report.
Kenney, D. (2005). The Watershed Management Movement in the United States. Paper presented at International Watershed Management Seminar, Seoul, South Korea.
Kenney, D., Ed. (2005). In Search of Sustainable Water Management: International Lessons for the American West and Beyond. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Kenney, D. S., R. A. Klein, and M. P. Clark (2004). Use and Effectiveness of Municipal Water Restrictions During Drought in Colorado. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 40(1): 77-87.
Kenney, D. S. (2004). Water, Growth, and the Future of Agriculture in the American West. Prairie Peaks News, October.
Kenney, D. S. (2003). Climate Information and Western Water Institutions: Round Pegs in Square Holes? Paper presented at the Insights and Tools for Adaptation: Learning from Climate Variability conference, Washington D.C.
Nichols, P. D., and D. S. Kenney (2003). Watering Growth in Colorado: Swept Along by the Current or Choosing a Better Line? University of Denver Law Review, 6(2): 411-452.
Nichols, P. D., M. K. Murphy, and D. S. Kenney (2001). Water and Growth in Colorado: A Review of Legal and Policy Issues. Boulder, Colorado, Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law.