WWA's Joe Barsugli and NOAA's Marty Hoerling on the role of climate in regional floods
SpotlightWWA's Joe Barsugli and NOAA colleague Marty Hoerling were highlighted in the September issue of Scientific American on the recent flooding in Colorado.
New CIRES blog on the September 2013 Front Range Floods
SpotlightSince the deluge started, there has been a torrent of public interest in floods—everything from rainfall figures and records broken to the roles climate and natural cycles played in the disaster. Here, CIRES will regularly compile flood information and resources.
WATER LINES: The silver lining — flood ends drought in northern Colorado
NewsGrand Junction Post Independent
New WWA publication on climate impacts to tribal water resources
SpotlightWWA's Karen Cozzetto, along with numerous co-authors from other institutions, recently completed an analysis of climate change impacts to tribal water resources. Their paper, published in Climatic Change, develops a framework for understanding these impacts in the context of a variety of other critical factors and discusses likely effects in various regions of the U.S. Their paper recognizes the unique value of water resources to many tribes and makes recommendations for future research.
WWA workshop: Tree-ring reconstructions of streamflow for the Wasatch, October 2
SpotlightWWA and the Wasatch Dendroclimatology Research Group (WADR) are convening a workshop in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, October 2, to support the application of new multi-century tree-ring reconstructions of Wasatch streamflow to water management in the region.