News and Spotlights


  • How much water will our future electricity generation portfolio require?


    A new paper by WWA's Kristen Averyt, along with collaborators at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and the Union of Concerned Scientists, explores how freshwater withdrawals by electric power plants could change under a number of future electricity generation scenarios. Their analysis includes aggregation of results by second-order hydrologic units in order to accommodate how basin-level differences in water availability affect generation. Their paper is available freely here and is part of a broader "Focus on Electricity, Water, and Climate Connections" published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

  • Understanding and harmonizing estimates of life-cycle water use for electricity generation


    In order to better compare water used in the entire life cycles (manufacturing through operation) of electric generation options, WWA's James Meldrum, along with collaborators at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, developed a three-step methodology to assess existing data. Their findings indicate that thermoelectric generation facilities appear to use the most water, while photovoltaic and wind resources use the least. An article on their findings is available here and is part of a broader "Focus on Electricity, Water, and Climate Connections" published in the journal Environmental Research Letters.

  • San Juan Bark Beetles and Watersheds Workshop - April 10, Durango, CO


    On Wednesday, April 10, WWA will present an all-day workshop for water and forest resource managers to share what researchers know and don’t know about the potential water impacts from bark beetle infestations in lodgepole and spruce-fir forests in the Rocky Mountain West. We will also hear from local experts about the ongoing spruce beetle infestation in the San Juan headwaters. On the preceding evening (April 9) there will be a related community meeting and open house in Pagosa Springs. The Mountain Studies Institute (MSI), the San Juan Headwaters Forest Health Partnership, the U.S. Forest Service, and Firewise of Southwest Colorado are partnering with WWA to convene the two events. See here for more information and registration.

  • First stage of new snowpack study completed


    Jeff Deems of CIRES and WWA, with colleagues from NASA JPL and CRREL, is monitoring mountain snowpack depth using a novel method that combines ground-based and airborne lidar. The goal is to improve water-supply inventories and forecasts in snowmelt-dominated watersheds. Deems received a 2012 CIRES Innovative Research Program grant to conduct the project, and the team finished collecting baseline data from snow-free mountain basins in Colorado and California last fall. They will collect measurements from snow-filled basins this March through July.

  • New WWA paper analyzes water use by power plants


    WWA's Kristen Averyt and James Meldrum, along with collaborators at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Synapse Energy Economics, recently completed an analysis of 2008 water use by electric power plants. Their findings demonstrated that approximately 41% of freshwater withdrawals and 3% of freshwater consumption across the country is attributable to power generation, usually for cooling purposes. The paper, published in Environmental Research Letters, also showed significant discrepancies between water use data collected by the Energy Information Administration and calculations done for this analysis. Averyt et al.'s paper is available here.

  • Water Demand for Energy to Double by 2035


    National Geographic Daily News

  • Brad Udall's departure from WWA


    After nearly 10 years serving as Director of the Western Water Assessment, Brad Udall is moving on to become Director of the Getches-Wilkinson Center for Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment. (More information is available in this press release.) Please join us in congratulating Brad and thanking him for his service! Kristen Averyt will serve as WWA's Interim Director. As always, please contact us at with any questions or comments.

  • Mountain pine beetle infestation has not led to excess nitrate in Colorado streams, according to new paper


    An author team that included WWA-sponsored researchers James McCutchan and Thomas Detmer concluded that, contrary to expectations, there has been no significant increase in stream nitrate concentrations following widespread pine beetle tree mortality in Colorado. The team's paper, published January 14 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), synthesized findings from several university and federal agency research studies, including the WWA project led by McCutchan. Read the CU-Boulder press release, the Green blog at the New York Times, and the full article at PNAS. Also see the WWA Beetles, Water, and Climate webpages.

  • WWA receives NOAA funding to help integrate climate science into conservation planning


    NOAA recently announced seven multi-year awards to its RISA (Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments) programs to encourage collaboration with federal and non-federal partners on climate adaptation. WWA received $100,000 to connect the climate expertise at WWA and sister program CLIMAS (U. of Arizona) with regional conservation planners and decisionmakers, through The Nature Conservancy-led Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI). The effort is led by WWA team member Bill Travis. See the project description here.

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